Monday, February 22, 2010

A Sequel of Sorts

Me and J-Size

As many of you know I have been involved in a little (HUGE) thing called Dudes-A-Plenty. Well, we performed, jaws dropped, judges voted, and we took home the goods!! Sweepstakes baby! Many may wonder why we are all so excited. Who would not be excited after practicing for four weeks and putting so much time and effort into a production?!
I will not ever forget these past four weeks, but more importantly this past saturday!

So step sing has been taking over my time lately or I would tell you other exciting things.
Harry's does start this Thursday with the one and only Drew and Ellie Holcomb! So please, please come out and treat your ears to something beautiful. You will not be disappointed.
This semester at Harry's you may see some new stuff. Just saying. Everything needs a little bit of restructuring at some point.

I am sitting here working at the fitness center and I have got some observations to make.
3 weeks until Spring Break. What does that mean?
All of the elliptical machines will be taken up from about 11-7 with men and women the same trying to get that spring break bod.
Unless the human body has changed and can produce muscles up to par with "spring break bod status" these people should just start slow. Riding the bike for two hours may not be the best thing for you. You could pass out or even... na just kidding.
Oh those spring break worker outers.

Here is a little taste of what step sing was like.

Keep faith. hope. and LOVE.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I have been livin THE DREAM the past three weeks. So what.

DAP. Yes, Dudes A Plenty has been dominating my time lately and I am okay with that. All the time and sweat has been well worth it. I mean how many times do you get to break it down and sing with 70 guys and it actually sound amazing? Not many times my friends. So... If you are coming to the show, be prepared to be blown away by the goodness that DAP will bring. And, YES we will bring it. There are some out there that enjoy putting us down. That's fine. Your mind will soon be changed. If not, you will be prayed for.
I don't even want to write anything else. Just DAP. After this weekend I will come back to reality and try to make some sense of the first four weeks back at Samford. This may even include the first four weeks back at school with a special lady friend. Which may also include Valentines Day details. But probably not.

Jeremy. Ben. Could we have had any better directors? Nope, not possible. Do we have quite possibly the best show to ever be performed by a DAP group? Yeah, most likely. Did you guys create this masterpiece? Yessir!!!!
Will I do this again? You better believe it.

Who we be baby?


Monday, February 8, 2010

This journey is about to take off; that means the birth of something new.

Harry's Coffeehouse, get ready to be transformed into something visually pleasing. Something different, but very rewarding. Why the heck am I talking about Harry's Coffeehouse? Oh well, this past weekend we went on the SAC retreat and found out what event we will be planning. How blessed I am!! Me, Trevor Starnes, and the veteran Sara Hunt will be running the show on Thursday nights now. Please be prepared for anything. And I mean anything. Some of the ideas that we have thrown out there in just 2 hours of dreaming have been magical. I love dreaming, but I love seeing those dreams come true more. So needless to say, Harry's is going to be so great. I could not think of anyone else I would want to dream/ plan this even with.
I would love to go ahead and tell you some of the artists we really want but I love surprises and I trust that most of you do as well so my mouth is sealed for now. But just for now.
Blogging has been quite a treat for me these past couple months to be completely honest. There is something about making yourself somewhat vulnerable at times and putting your current life happenings up so everyone can see. It is pretty cool how by doing this we get a feeling of validation in the world of writing. It just makes me feel good inside. I do not mind at all telling you what is going on with my life, that is why this blog will continue. (I had thoughts of throwing this one out, and revamping it with something else) This blog has been good to me so I will not pull the plug before it has it's chance to fly. That was cheesy, but I do not care.
It is about time for me to head to JMC class with Wambles and Mr. Sizemore. That class is medicine to my curious mind. So good.

The birth of something new has a double meaning: Harry's Coffeehouse. But there is something else... Should I tell you now???
Nope. It will come soon enough I believe. I am so vague. haha

Just watch this. I do not believe you will be disappointed.

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his footsteps. Proverbs 16:9
I will not stop believing that.
You all are too kind.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Best, First week-ish ever? I think so!

It has been some time since I have stopped, though, and threw out some paragraphs on this blog. And I have to tell you that a lot has happened since the last time we connected. So much that I may leave some critical points out.
From the top:
First day of class: Probably the most encouraging first days back I could have dreamed of. Im starting to take my major classes. Which is Journalism and Mass Communication. Lets just say I was not disappointed. From the professors to the fellow JMCers, it was all good. Finally something that I am interested in. World of Business and Macro Economics just were not my thing. At all. I mean I dropped macro, thats how much it was NOT my thing... If there is any lows about my classes it would have to be fiction and film. Seems like a great class, potential for interesting discussion, but Matt Davidson cannot read 8 fairly lengthy books before spring break. I am just now getting in to the whole reading for pleasure thing so getting me to read 8 books in that amount of time is like putting me on a bike with no training wheels at age 3. Just will not happen. SO, I dropped that class just like how the Colts are going to drop the Saints. Yes, I said it. Bold? Yes. Now, I had to pick up another class so I wouldn't be that guy who has 12 hours and just sleeps all the time, so I picked up Christian Theology. Incredibly intimidating at first but once I understood that the other 11 people in the class were in the same boat I was, I was content. We'll see how that goes.
On to the next one. thank jay z for that.
Step Sing. DAP. The Dream. nuff. said.
I had a birthday yesterday. The teen years have come and they have gone. I do feel a bit older. I mean once I started washing my own clothes I felt older, but now I feel a little more responsible. And Im pretty sure I got more chest hair when I woke up February 2, 2010. Not positive but I think I did.
Best birthday to date for Matt Davidson. Why? Cause Kelsey Boone is the master at surprises, and she is one of the most creative persons I have ever met. And she is mine. Blessed? yes. Do I deserve it? heck no.
I won't ramble on about the greatness of my day of birth, but man, it was a really good day. A REALLY GOOD DAY.
What's next on the sched---- SAC retreat (Student Activities Council) If you have read some of the first posts of this here blog you will know what thats about. For those who started watching later in the show: It is a council of students who plan and do everything in between with planning campus events. Homecoming, Harrys, Concerts, Spring Fling, and so on.

That's about it for now I suppose.

The Lord is so gracious to those who trust him. We are coheirs with Christ. Incredible...

For our God is not a God of confusion, but of peace.- 1 Corinthians 14:33
