Monday, July 19, 2010

Antiquing with mama. "Has anyone ever told you that you look like Chris Martin?"

Here are some pictures from this past weekend.

Older is better than new.

In my opinion, an old, scratched up, spilled on and then cleaned up piece of furniture is better than a fresh out of China piece.
You are probably thinking, matt why the heck are you writing about this!?
I went antique shopping today with my mom for the first time. We started this quest for a bargain in hopes of finding a night table and end table for my new place in Birmingham. I just was not about to go to Walmart and buy a half plastic half wood piece of junk. My thoughts were I will just go with an aged piece of furniture that looks like it has been through some hard times. I am not aged but sometimes I feel like I am an antique of sorts.
haha just kidding, I am 20 years old. Not quite "antique" worthy yet.
I am ready for the next little "big" step in my college aged years. That is living in my own place, cooking my own food, and not having to report to an R.A. when holidays come around. I am ready to truly fend for myself when it comes to making my next meal. Yeah, I may have salads and omelets and a smoothie every other day, but it will be a big step for me. Is it better than the caf? Most likely the answer will be a resounding yes!

A couple of random happenings/findings...
I walk into GoodWill today and as soon as I walk in the cashier guy goes, "Dude, has anyone ever told you that you look like Chris Martin?"
They most definitely have not. But thanks bro. It went a little something like that.

Oh and did you hear the awesome weekend I had with the Corley Family and Jana and Jake?! Oh you didn't?
Well well well. I tagged along with Laney, Jason, Hill and Bryn to the laser show at Stone Mountain. The weekend was perfect and then it got better... Jake (Jana's 9 week old son) decided that he was going to roll over for the first time. It was like the Braves won the world series when he did, the crowd went wild, and Jana cried... haha I think there will be a whole 'nother post on Laney and Jana. I know they would appreciate that.
Sorry for the rambling. I probably could have presented this past weekend to you a little better but I know this will suffice.

Older is still better than new. It's been tested.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Vacation and something else.

I am home, in Lilburn, Georgia. Three weeks ago I was home too. But the time in between then and now was perfect. From Winston Salem, NC to Nashville to Birmingham it was all an adventure, something new everyday. I did not update any of my blogs while I was gone. Some call it lazy. I call it simply, okay. I promise I won't have any crazy long breaks like that again.
You know when you get back from a trip and you try to think back on all the stuff that you did but you just cannot seem to quite comprehend ALL the outrageous activities that took place? That is me right now.
Things that I do remember:
1. Taylor Wright Branscombs wedding in NC
2. Went to Nashville. Stayed for a week and a couple days. Almost got a tattoo (story for another time). Played in a lake. Dressed up like proud American's from Tennessee on the 4th of July. Ate good food.
3. I got picked up in Nashville by none other than Kelsey Boone. Went to Birmingham, Alabama and enjoyed good food and amazing company.
4. Kelsey Boone
5. Now I'm back home. Very okay with this.

I could not and never will ask for a better life than I have. I take it for granted. The life I live is the one that the Son of God gave me, so I will cherish it and live, live as best as I can to please Him.

I felt like I needed to do some life updating as a "finally returning traveler" post.

What I'm listening to right now:
John Mark McMillan's new album titled The Medicine
Hillsong Live- Beautiful Exchange
A lot of Beirut
Mumford and Sons
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Future Islands
Sleigh Bells
William Fitzsimmons
The National

Just a little mid-summer soundtrack.

Read this also please. A blog on me and Jesus.

Oh ho ho ho. How amazing are the summer months. Winter is something special though. Jeans and flannel.

You all are too kind.
