Monday, October 25, 2010

Where I left off.

There was a huge gap from the time I last wrote. I could attribute that too a lot of things. I will spare the time, though.
It's been a busy first couple of months, that is all there is.
Living off campus has been a blessing and a curse.

Blessing- I can eat whatever I want to eat and the opposite sex can come hang out whenever she pleases.
Curse- We get outrageous power bills, we accumulate so much trash it is not even funny, and our kitchen tends to stay quite messy.
Mixed feelings- Mario Kart on the Wii. My roommates and virtually anyone who steps into my apartment is in love with Mario Kart. You would think that I would love it too considering it is my Wii. Mixed feelings still.

Harry's has been kickin and packing out crowds as of late. More is yet to come too.
We just had The Civil Wars come and we shot our first full-length concert DVD. We hope to be able to show the finished product very soon!
Upcoming concerts that I am attending. Jonsi on Halloween, Mumford and Sons on the 7th, and the great Brooke Fraser on the 13th.

Albums to get: Hillsong Chapel: Yahweh. An awesome acoustic rendition of some of the Hillsong greats from the past few or so years.
Brooke Fraser: Flags, this CD was and will be on repeat for quite sometime. Here is a link to a cool article some cool guy did on Brooke ARTICLE
Sufjan's new one The Age of Ads is pretty raw and in some ways creates different elements of his music style.

This is one is not new just real real good (if you are into bluegrassy kind of tunes) (I am) Ben Sollee and Daniel Martin Moore.

That is about all I have for you all at this point.

Always. Keep that hope alive.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Keep on keepin' on.

Picking up where I left off.
In a way.
I am now in Birmingham for good, and have been for over three weeks now. "The swing of things" is absolutely not what it is cracked up to be. Second week of school and the whole stress thing has already kicked in, but then again when has it ever subsided? Harry's Coffeehouse has started off in a dead sprint, and I think they will win the race if you know what I mean.
Living in an apartment has been much more than I could have asked for. The freedom that comes with this liberating feeling of being off by yourself is unmatched on campus. Waking up in a queen size bed could not be any better, or how about waking up on a Saturday to the smell of cinnamon rolls that were made by your awesome roommate Josh. Could not do that in Smith or Mountain View.

Something to consider praying about:
I am about to start writing for a non-profit organization called Here's Life Inner City in New York City. Pray for guidance and direction in my writings and for possible opportunities to come out of this. The Lord has been faithful in allowing me to write about something I am passionate about and I am grateful for that.

Short and sweet this time.
Your welcome.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Year For Amazing Shows; A Concert Calender of Sorts.

This summer has been the best. It has had it's ups and downs, but let me tell you the downs weren't that bad and the ups were enough to make me completely fine for many many summers. {If that made sense at all}
So lets get this amazing year for shows calender going. {These are in no particular order}

BHAM September 10th (Friday) @ Workplay- Griffin House
BHAM September 30th (Thursday) @ Workplay- Trevor Hall
BHAM October 5th (Tuesday) @ Workplay- Tyrone Wells and Andrew Belle
BHAM November 13th (Saturday) @ Workplay- Brooke Fraser
BHAM November 17th (Wednesday) @ Workplay- The Punch Bros

BHAM August 29th (Sunday) @ Samford University- Needtobreathe and some other guy...

BHAM September 20th (Monday) @ Verizon Wireless Music Center in Bham- Kings of Leon and The Black Keys and The Whigs
ATL November 2nd (Tuesday) @ The Tabernacle- MGMT
ATL October 30th (Saturday) @ The Fox- Band of Horses

ATL October 5th (Tuesday) @ The Fox- The National

ATL November 7th (Sunday) @ The Buckhead Theatre- Mumford and Sons
ATL September 8th (Wednesday) @ Masquerade- Crystal Castles
ATL October 2nd (Saturday) @ Masquerade- Yeasayer
ATL October 6th (Wednesday) @ The Tabernacle- The xx

ATL October 31st (Sunday) @ The Tabernacle- Jonsi

ATL November 6th ( Saturday) @ The Tabernacle- Sufjan Stevens
ATL November 19th (Friday) @ The Variety Playhouse- The Punch Bros
NASH August 22nd (Sunday) @ Bridgestone Arena- Ray Lamontagne and David Gray
NASH September 26th (Sunday) @ Cannery Ballroom- Of Montreal

NASH October 7th (Thursday) @ Mercy Lounge- Gayngs with Glasser {Justin Vernon is playing with Gayngs FYI} :)

NASH September 1st (Wednesday) @ Ryman Auditorium- She and Him
NASH October 3rd (Sunday) @ Ryman Auditorium- The National
NASH November 4th (Thursday) @ Ryman Auditorium- MGMT

Some live footage from the incredible show that Jonsi puts on.

That is it for NOW. Keep in mind if you live in Birmingham that Harry's Coffeehouse at Samford WILL be kicking some butt this year. AKA we got a new budget. Keep watching for that schedule to come out because you really will be surprised by who we are bringing in.
I may keep updating this schedule as new shows come out.

Life is real real good.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Travels have come to a close. [for now] Louisville Tribute.

Now, I know I pretty much suck at posting every day. or even every week. My apologies. You most likely do not check every day or every week to see if I have posted, but regardless I am going to try a little better at keeping this baby up to date. Maybe then you WILL check me out every day... Who knows. --Thought I'd half way explain myself.

She is my favorite. No doubt about it.

My latest travels started in Birmingham for a few days of absolute chill time with my buddy Jake and a sweet sweet show with William Fitzsimmons. And then my travels took me to a place that I have wanted to get back to for quite some time now [and I thought I may never get back there ;)] This place is Louisville, Kentucky, Lou-uh-vul. Kelsey Elaine Boone calls Lou home. Now think of how excited you would be if you added up all the excitement from 10 birthdays all in to one... THAT is how excited I was to see her again. Needless to say it was a little surreal to see this 5'2 blonde beauty greet me at the airport. Call this completely ridiculous but I wore my gray beanie that day because she loves it. * The things you do for your girl friend.
The next 5 or so days kind of all ran together because of all the fun we had. It was very relaxed but we also accomplished a lot. And by accomplished a lot I mean we went to antique shops and ate Dairy Castle ice cream. It would be an understatement if I said I CANNOT wait to be back in Louisville. Would I mind living there one day? I would do it in a heart beat if Nashville would not take me.

Mister Fitzsimmons everybody.

Funniest Moment For Me in Louisville:

To go to the park and play tennis with Kelsey. The girl is an athlete, do not get me wrong. But she is about as good at tennis as I am good at growing hair on the top of my head. BUT do not fear I have promised myself that I will make her better at tennis somehow some way...

Favorite Food in Louisville:

I have tried to limit this to one item, but that is just going to be impossible. First I will start with the incredible sushi I had with Kelsey on a little date. I could not tell you what kind it was but it was THE best sushi I have ever had. Second place prize goes to Kelsey's mom's enchilada's. And lastly we have the one and only "Bird-in-a-basket" that was created in the Boone Manor by Miss Kelsey Boone and her freaking awesome* father Larry Boone.- * I am not sucking up, I promise.

Least Favorite Moment (besides when I left to go back home):

I was playing Kelsey's 6 year old cousin's Nintendo DS. Mario to be exact. He wanted me to try to beat a really really tough level because his young mind just could not let his fingers move as swiftly as an aged nintendo players. So I took that thing and was doing quite well, dodging sharks, jumping over killer crabs, and then I received some "shooting power"... Little did I know little Joseph absolutely loves the shooting power and wanted to witness it himself. Well, like an awful "grown up" who plays little kid games I lost the "shooting power" and Joseph went nuts. I thought he might take his shirt off and whip me with it. Ten minutes later, and a "talkin' to" Joseph innocently told us goodnight.
I hope the little guy still likes me, I mean I did trade silly bands with him...

I would tell you more about after Louisville but this post is getting too long for even me.
Ok, I'll make it short. Myself, Luke, and David Swilley helped paint and fix up their Aunt and Uncle's house in Birmingham for a couple of days. I came away with a fire ant bite and a huge knot on my head from a low door post.

Music Video of the day:

I am blessed beyond belief to be able to travel and enjoy my friends and family. I am thankful, very thankful.

Keep THE faith.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Antiquing with mama. "Has anyone ever told you that you look like Chris Martin?"

Here are some pictures from this past weekend.

Older is better than new.

In my opinion, an old, scratched up, spilled on and then cleaned up piece of furniture is better than a fresh out of China piece.
You are probably thinking, matt why the heck are you writing about this!?
I went antique shopping today with my mom for the first time. We started this quest for a bargain in hopes of finding a night table and end table for my new place in Birmingham. I just was not about to go to Walmart and buy a half plastic half wood piece of junk. My thoughts were I will just go with an aged piece of furniture that looks like it has been through some hard times. I am not aged but sometimes I feel like I am an antique of sorts.
haha just kidding, I am 20 years old. Not quite "antique" worthy yet.
I am ready for the next little "big" step in my college aged years. That is living in my own place, cooking my own food, and not having to report to an R.A. when holidays come around. I am ready to truly fend for myself when it comes to making my next meal. Yeah, I may have salads and omelets and a smoothie every other day, but it will be a big step for me. Is it better than the caf? Most likely the answer will be a resounding yes!

A couple of random happenings/findings...
I walk into GoodWill today and as soon as I walk in the cashier guy goes, "Dude, has anyone ever told you that you look like Chris Martin?"
They most definitely have not. But thanks bro. It went a little something like that.

Oh and did you hear the awesome weekend I had with the Corley Family and Jana and Jake?! Oh you didn't?
Well well well. I tagged along with Laney, Jason, Hill and Bryn to the laser show at Stone Mountain. The weekend was perfect and then it got better... Jake (Jana's 9 week old son) decided that he was going to roll over for the first time. It was like the Braves won the world series when he did, the crowd went wild, and Jana cried... haha I think there will be a whole 'nother post on Laney and Jana. I know they would appreciate that.
Sorry for the rambling. I probably could have presented this past weekend to you a little better but I know this will suffice.

Older is still better than new. It's been tested.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Vacation and something else.

I am home, in Lilburn, Georgia. Three weeks ago I was home too. But the time in between then and now was perfect. From Winston Salem, NC to Nashville to Birmingham it was all an adventure, something new everyday. I did not update any of my blogs while I was gone. Some call it lazy. I call it simply, okay. I promise I won't have any crazy long breaks like that again.
You know when you get back from a trip and you try to think back on all the stuff that you did but you just cannot seem to quite comprehend ALL the outrageous activities that took place? That is me right now.
Things that I do remember:
1. Taylor Wright Branscombs wedding in NC
2. Went to Nashville. Stayed for a week and a couple days. Almost got a tattoo (story for another time). Played in a lake. Dressed up like proud American's from Tennessee on the 4th of July. Ate good food.
3. I got picked up in Nashville by none other than Kelsey Boone. Went to Birmingham, Alabama and enjoyed good food and amazing company.
4. Kelsey Boone
5. Now I'm back home. Very okay with this.

I could not and never will ask for a better life than I have. I take it for granted. The life I live is the one that the Son of God gave me, so I will cherish it and live, live as best as I can to please Him.

I felt like I needed to do some life updating as a "finally returning traveler" post.

What I'm listening to right now:
John Mark McMillan's new album titled The Medicine
Hillsong Live- Beautiful Exchange
A lot of Beirut
Mumford and Sons
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Future Islands
Sleigh Bells
William Fitzsimmons
The National

Just a little mid-summer soundtrack.

Read this also please. A blog on me and Jesus.

Oh ho ho ho. How amazing are the summer months. Winter is something special though. Jeans and flannel.

You all are too kind.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Am I 20 or 40?! A bit vulnerable. PART 2.

There is a first time for a lot of things. This is the first time I have written a Part 2 to a post. I feel that a Part 2 dos needed to happen considering what just took place a couple of hours ago.
Today was the day that I had an appointment to get a haircut. (I needed one in a bad way, so I thought.) I walk in just like I would to any other hair cut appointment, sit down and start talking to Donna, the nice lady that cuts my hair when I am home. Before she starts wetting the scissors along with my hair, she says, "Matt you really have beautiful hair, like I don't think I need to cut it." I'm thinking what in the world! Are you kidding me! I have a receding hair line and I am balding, there is no way that qualifies for such a compliment. So I humbly respond with a, "Thank you, I appreciate that but the hair on the back of my head just grows way too fast and it leaves me with a mullet-y look, and honestly that just isn't me." She understood what I was saying and proceeded with the haircut. It turned out to be quite a masterpiece. No more curls over the ears, when my hair gets greasy it will not look like I have a mullet any more, I am happy. This lady is consistent though... Before she pulled off the cover she looks at my hair, looks in the mirror, and is still just shocked that my hair looks so good. Her words, "Your hair just has so much volume, and umpfff, I mean yeah your thinning, but it really doesn't look that bad." Well dad gum, I went in for a hair cut and came out with a hair cut and a self esteem that could trump anyone.
It was if Donna read my blog and wanted to reassure me that thinning hair CAN look good, possibly. Or she wanted a good tip.
Either way I am appreciative. But I know I will look like Bruce Willis in the somewhat near future.

If you haven't stopped reading by now, thank you. I am starting a new project, a new blog, a new blog platform.

This blog will be the raw, unashamed journey that the Lord has brought me to, the journey that will continue on until I die. Vulnerability will be huge in this blog I presume. I wanted others to come on the journey with me. So I created something new.

The faith will not leave you if you stay true to it.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Am I 20 or 40?! A bit vulnerable.

So for the past oh, four years I have been in this little dilemma. This dilemma of sorts is the fact that my hair has been thinning. Yes, it started thinning when I was oh probably about 16 or 17! Now, one would think, well dang that just plain sucks. It does, sometimes.
That's where the incredible formula that we all call Rogaine comes in to play. Yes, Matthew William Davidson, age 20, uses Rogaine. The commercials may have 40 year old men using this stuff, but early post teenagers can use this too. Am I being vulnerable? Eh, maybe. I do realize now that after reading this when you see me you may ask me to sit down so you can gaze upon my thinness. I guess that will be ok. The Lord has blessed me with height and I am starting to see why. Why? Since I am 6'4 the average person cannot see the top of my head, therefore they completely miss the fact that I AM starting to thin a bit. With all that said, I am hopeful that this curly head will take a turn for the BEST and start producing some thicker hair. I'll be optimistic about it.

Everyone who has a blog needs to have some funny/sad/vulnerable/just plain ridiculous posts sometimes. This is mine.

Keep your faith in the unseen, folks.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

I have a GREAT life, mom.

My mom asked me a question one day on the way to do a little dine and shop, it went like this, "Matt, you have a good life don't you?" She has asked me that before but it was not until that moment that I realized that man, my life is so good.
It is really something else when you allow yourself to let go of worldly worries and other stuff that distracts us from the Lord, and see just how good our lives really are. Now, I mean, yeah we go through some "rough" times, but our lives are not meant to be easy. Like maybe your dad was without a job for 387 days or something like that. I know a little bit about that. But the Lord was always there. Our family may have been scared, but the Lord blessed us, blessed us in ways I could not have imagined. And then He blesses my dad with a full-time youth ministry job.
Those hard times are not cruel punishment from the Lord, they are times where we need to let go, trust in the only one that is guaranteed to come through, and see that the Lord's will for His followers lives is always good. No matter what.
That is what I have been going through since about a week or two into the summer. It was not until I let go that I saw that the Lord never left me, I was just blinded by my selfish desires. Life is different now. I have always been a caring person, I feel for people, that has not changed, I just see other people as my brothers and sisters now. I could write for hours about what the Lord has been revealing to me. That may just have to be a little side project because I cannot shake this feeling that is inside of me. If others can benefit then Praise the Lord. New blog perhaps? Ehhh we'll see.

I started working at a printing company last week with my two brothers, David and Luke. I count paper and plastic Chick-Fil-A items all day... The way I see it now is, I am getting paid for this, money does not create happiness, but it is just another way the Lord is blessing me. So I am thankful for this little job. Thankful for a lot of other things too.

Good words from a great man. And quite possibly my favorite passages in Isaiah.

Keep the faith/love alive.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

A new look/ Discernment on this whole blog thing/ the Lord blesses.

Good gosh.
The Lord really knows how to open our eyes in weird ways. I will not go in to detail of exactly how He has, but you should know He most definitely has.
I know it has been quite some time since I have written a thing or two on here, but I have been doing a lot of reading and journaling, which has left my brain almost empty at the end of the day for this blog that I call my own. You might say to yourself, "Woah, Matt has a journal that he writes in daily? Has he turned into some little woman?" I have not in fact turned in that direction but my eyes have been opened to the numerous blessings the Lord has granted me and people around me and I cannot help but write it down. I typically write what the Lord has shown me on that particular day, quotes from the books I am reading, verses, or prayers to the Lord. Journal is more for stuff that I am dealing with with just me and the Lord, this blog is for random happenings, funny stories, and then I will try my best and make myself vulnerable in hopes to help someone else who can relate to what I am talking about. - I felt the need to discern the two for you and for me at times.
My sister who graduated from GCSU has been working at Blackbird coffeeshop for ages it feels like. She has had some of the most random/ interesting things happen to her at this place as well. For instance, she got a call from TMZ wanting to know if she had seen Ben Rothlisberger roaming the streets lately. As a girl who knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about football she replies with a polite, "Um, who? I am sorry I do not know who that is." She will receive crap from my dad and me for a long long time about that. She has also seen the dude from the Mac commercials and some famous movie star, her name has slipped my mind. Welp, the coffee shop brought her a little present. Some high up lady from the school who is in charge of the grad program walks into Blackbird and orders a drink and like always my sister greets her and strikes up a conversation. One thing led to another and this lady made some phone calls and I got my sister into grad school at GCSU. She started class the very next day... Blessings straight from the Lord. If we just lay down everything and give it to him, he WILL bless us.
I am not a huge fan of long posts so I will stop this one right here.

Last thing.
I think.
I do not know if you have heard any of Jack Johnson's latest tunes, maybe you have, maybe you heard them a month ago?
Any who, here is a pretty rockin video from one of his hits on the new record.

Keep your faith. Always.


Monday, May 24, 2010

My Interview with Matthew Fox!

What in the world happened last night in the show where most of us empty our thinking tanks out for every week to try to figure out?! If you did not like the ending or not you at least have got some kind of overwhelming respect for the creators of LOST. I mean they apparently knew the ending all along, but they still somehow intertwined many different instances and obstacles for our rookie minds to figure out. I still am not sure what I think about the last episode. Where were they this whole time? Have they been dead? I do not know. I think I may just not even try to figure this thing out.
I did not really get the chance to interview Matthew Fox. Simply wishful thinking.

Healthy life. It is starting now. No more sonic runs, no more pizzas. (well maybe just one slice) You know where I am getting at. Running and riding my bike are the two forms of exercise that will take place this summer for me. I really do not know why I am telling you this... haha

My dad has a job!! Yeeeeeyeahhh

Keep it surreal.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Today should be thanksgiving. Making a move.

The Davidson family is doing something new.

Im going to tell ya straight up. After 387 days my dad finally has a job. He has taken the Student Ministry job at First Baptist Church in Monroe. The Lord is faithful, my dad's situation is evidence of that. Although there were many times of uncertainty the Lord provided big time. This is a very exciting time for all of us and I cannot wait to see the new opportunities open up.
Life is great.
I am finally home for summer. Home for about 3 months! Crazy I know. Although I do not have much structure to my summer I have goals and others things I would like to see get done. That is something you could pray for me about. For God to open doors that need to be opened. Today in church the sermon was about how some things can be good or can be bad, we just have to trust in the Lord. Wanna know why? Because the Lord's will for our lives is good. ALL THE TIME. So I will trust in that truth.
This post is quite random I know, but I must tell you I am getting caught back up on LOST. What a show. Let me just tell you how far back I am... They just found Claire and man is she crazy now.
Enough for now.
Hillsong is coming out with a new album. That is something to be thankful for too.



Saturday, May 8, 2010

Grateful. For quite a bit. The Civil Wars included.

This semester has been a blessing in a thousand different ways. From Kelsey to Harry's and everything in between. God has opened doors for me and my family! I feel that I may have taken these opportunities for granted though. There is about 6 more days left here at Samford until I am in Atlanta for quite some time. I will miss the whole school thing, but this break will be much appreciated, I assure you. As for the whole break thing, I am not very sure what will be occupying my time. Maybe a short internship or shadowing of some sort? Some very awesome ideas/plans for this summer fell through, but that is ok. I just was not supposed to be doing that.
Trust is the name of the game right now. Trust in the Lord. I have really learned how to do that a lot more since my pops lost his job. It is crazy and really not fair to our Savior that we wait to truly trust in him when something unfortunate happens to us or someone really close to us. The next step is not simple though. My dad has a job now. But I must not stop trusting in HIM. He will always provide, through the rough and the awesome.
Peyton just scored a goal on FIFA.
Welp, finals are here. Nervous? ehh, kind of. Will I make good grades? Yep, most likely.
Brave (they play in extreme indoor climates)
Angelic voices
Vintage duo
Big futures.
Cool shoes
Joy, your husband rocks.
JP, I will take care of those speed bumps for when you come back.

The Civil Wars were more than we thought. They brought it. I have never seen a Harry's community that big ever, and that amazed. It was exactly what we wanted to send everyone back to their homes after an amazing semester of music, coffee, and cookies.
These two are on the road to something big, I can just feel it.
I will be praying for you guys as you wrap up that full length and hit the road.

That's about it for now.

You all amaze me.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Johnny Cash is happening; Mat Kearney; ????

So Christian Theology, what a class. From the 70+ page readings that are filled with big words from the 1800's to the outrageous comments that a certain person makes in the class, it is all interesting. Maybe I should have stuck with Fiction and Film? Can you even believe I dropped a class that I was taking with Kelsey Boone? We all make mistakes. So all of this confusing readings and discussions and reflection papers have led up to this, a project on pop culture and how it relates to the themes in our class.
So I think to myself... what a wonderful world...
No, I thought to myself I could do U2. But, I decided to go the more country route for a change. I went with Johnny Cash. He is the man if you did not know. An over arching theme I will be discussing is his redemption that he perfectly portrayed in his music of his later years. I think what got me hooked on him was the movie, Walk the Line. His passion for music and the chase for June Carter was memorable. The man in black can sing.

On to other events.
Last Thursday was the Mat Kearney concert. The man from Oregon did not disappoint what so ever. The dude played guitar on the piano out on the quad. It was sweet. It was also nice to snack on his left over food. He likes the strangest tea though. It was spicy... So that was all good.
Now, as the semester is about to be sealed shut we have one more Harry's this Thursday.
We have The Civil Wars coming to town. This is huge. Ever since we nailed the date down some time ago they have grown more and more in the music galaxy. We are very lucky. This is crazy, but it is Monday and we already have over 200 people saying they are going to the show on FaceBook. I am not really sure how we are going to fit every one in there but no one will be disappointed. The show will happen no matter what. Bring on the whole state of Alabama. This will be huge for Harry's as well. Harry's has been a real blessing for me this semester and I will not take it lightly. It has grown more than we could have ever imagined and hopes for next semester are massive as well.

Goodness life is kind. Kelsey still puts up with me. I'm making good grades. I have food and a [uncomfortable] bed to sleep on.

Before I cut this one off I must say something about Secret Church at Brook Hills.
It was phenomenal. Frugal living is so biblical. So do it.

Faith, Hope, and LOVE.

Summer is next week.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Listen here. Life is good.

And that was before she decided she would date me...:) finally.
You are the best Kelsey Elaine Boone. ;)

How could I ever complain about life. I have got some great people in my life that pursue the Lord which in turn encourages me everyday! I go to a school that does it's best to nurture my needs. I could write forever about this, BUT I am able to spend everyday with the girl of my dreams! She is something else people. Man I do not deserve this (in a way) royal treatment that the Lord gives me. Unbelievably thankful.
I DO NOT love the caf, therefore I will not be living on campus next year. I will make my own food thank you very much.

So life is good, but what have I been up to?
Well, today was pretty dang interesting... I woke up around 10:30 to walk down to Ben Brown Plaza for Earth Day with my class. (That is my only class of the day :) ). But wait, it gets better, I held a python. For like 15 minutes... Strong little sucker. After having the easiest class ever I was a little worthless. I sat on the quad for a while getting my way into the social pipeline. haha. whatever. AND THEN, me and trevor rented those crazy green regions bikes and rode them everywhere. Off roading on the quad, down sweet hills in west campus, and through pittman circle. Childlike? I think so.
That is not it folks, then it was time for the weekly Harry's Coffeehouse. (Thursday's rock me.) The Suite C and Steve Moakler played. Both quality people. Both decided to rock faces with their angelic voices. You all are probably bored with this now. The rap up: Then I played a softball game. Then we went ahead and beat some sigma chi's. No biggie.

Ohhh SportsCenter I see you!

NEEDTOBREATHE is on Saturday. Am I excited?? You betcha!!!!!

If our God is for us, then who could ever stop us?
-Tomlin you said it best.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Free Bowling Vs. Sleepyhead; Twitter.

College kids can not get enough free stuff. Last night was free bowling. Did I go? Yesssss. Come to find out, I would bowl a 194. Now, I am horrible at bowling. My highest score before 194 was 120. In the zone I guess. So we bowled and bowled until we were tired.
Tired. That is the name of the game today. Ole hump day has proven to be a hard one to fight. Lesson learned: Don't go to bed at 2 in the morning. Every morning... I'm still learning mom.
Now I am sitting in the fitness center occupying this mindless job that I do every monday and wednesday. You would think that this job is ideal, which it is sometimes, but more time than not I am left with nothing to do but sit here and explore many different profiles on facebook. That is just not healthy and not very "cool". On the flip side, I get to write, which brings some sense of worthiness to my self.
Lets go back a little. I was a big twitter hater some time ago. I had always thought that twitter was just some stupid site that did the same thing as a facebook status. Welp, I had to get an account for my JMC class. My thoughts were, though, to just get it to make the grade and never really update it. I have since started updating my account and it is satisfying. From knowing information before other people to just looking at funny pictures. AND following one of my idols, Joel Houston. It's all good. So, if you too are a twitter hater like I once was, I encourage you to set up an account, search for your favorite celeb or your best friend and go to town with it. Just do... Just try it.

Keep it real folks.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Playing in the dirt and fireworks

This past weekend proved to be nothing short of a relaxing, more than well spent weekend! I went to the Boone Manor in Louisville with Kelsey if you did not know. The ride down was a little on the long side and considering my frame is about 6'4 my back tends to hurt in the car for that long. Well it did not fail me this time, it hurt. Enough complaining though, cause the time spent with friends was WELL worth it.
So I played in the dirt. Not by myself but with a pretty cool kid named Joseph (Kelsey's kindergarden aged cousin). He was pretty cool. We dug up worms, crashed monster trucks into piles of dirt, and dug up worms and then showed them to Kelsey and her Grandma. Taking me back to my childhood, with not a care in the world. Not a care.
After a fun day at Mimi and Nee's house ( Kelsey's grandma and granddad) we went to the magical/overcrowded Thunder Over Louisville. It was pretty awesome I must say, but I only need to see it once. Those were the highlights of the weekend. I mean I can not tell you everything. This little blog here can not handle that... I mean come on.
Information about summer plans I may or may not have told you about:
I heard back from the man in charge of this Haiti trip. He sent me the job description and as much as I wanted to reply and say, "Oh yes! I am totally fit for this job!" I could not. I just do not have the experience yet. I understand that. No biggie. We may have a bit of a compromise in the making though. Maybe.
Summer job/internship leads have been very slim, which has been a little discouraging to say the least. So if you are reading this and thinking, "Hey, Matt Davidson may like doing this for the summer!" Then you let me know. :)

As always, you all are too kind.
Give thanks to the one who allows you to do anything.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

2 am I must be lonely.

Who sings that song?
-Matchbox 20. you got it.
I am in fact not lonely. Just cannot sleep.
It is pretty amazing how the busyness of life cause us to forget about what we truly love to do. It has happened to me. I love writing. I have become way too busy and now I cannot write everyday. That is a problem people. So, this has got to change. I have got to take steps to relinquish some of this busyness and spend some time loving (writing).
What has been happening lately in my life?
Internships is the name of the game as of late. Do I have an internship yet? Nope. I know something is going to work out.
So these internships I have been talking about are so out of the ordinary for me, but that is exactly what I want/need. I may have the opportunity to live among the people in Haiti and write and photograph my time there. It gives me chills just dreaming about what could take place while I am there... The other is an opportunity in New York City to work with a ministry that ministers to homeless children in the city. If you are anything like me you are probably thinking,"Holy cow matt I have chills and you better get one of those jobs!!!" These opportunities are huge. Life changing. I ask you, if you are reading this and feel compelled to do so, just pray for me. Pray that if these opportunities are supposed to happen that the funds will be there, and if these are not what I am supposed to be doing that the Lord will put something in my life. Prayer is essential for living a life that honors Christ.
If I can pray for you in any way DO NOT hesitate to ask me. Message me, or whatever.
SO, expect to gradually be reading a little bit more in the coming days, months. I will do my very best.
It most likely will not be at 2 am though... That is just not healthy, and my mom reads this. She would not be happy at all...

If you know me, you know how huge this is.

LOVE when you don't want to.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Could Not Complain If I Wanted To

Easter weekend has come and gone. It was just a joy to see the parents and spend some time with friends. AND Kelsey came with.
Stuff that went down:
We went to Grace Fellowship's Good Friday service. POWERFUL.
Went to Mountain Park First Baptist Church on Easter morning. That pleasing to the ears. Didn't know ya had it in ya MPFBC.
AND THEN Sunday night we went to Midtown Church in downtown Atlanta. That just completely rocked my face off. Relentless praise was going down. Much needed.
That is actually not it...
Monday morning-ish we woke up and climbed Stone Mountain. What a feat we overcame! Stone Mountain is a staple attraction for those who live near it.
This message will be cut short due to a meeting.



Friday, April 2, 2010

I Am Yours And You Are Mine

My alarm/ringtone is With Everything by Hillsong. I cannot think of a better way to wake up on Good Friday! I hear the astounding voices from a live version of With Everything, and I am up and out of bed ready for what the Lord has in store for me that day. Today has seemed somewhat ordinary. BUT I know it is different. My goal today is to take a step back from my busyness and think about what Jesus did for me. I have to turn around and LOVE people because that is what I am called to do, and I will do whatever HE says. My good friend Will Cohen said it perfectly, "There would be no Sunday without today." I love that.
I've got some fairly large expectations for this weekend. I mean I am bringing Kelsey home with me so it better be pretty awesome, right? Climb Stone Mountain? Yes.
Through all the busyness in your life I urge you or should I say plead with you to stop and give thanks for what you have! I know people say that all the time and it may seem repetitive, but seriously we are quite lucky people.

Nothing is too good to be true.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

80 degree awesomeness

Today was such a day for laughter and participating in childish fun. Ok maybe not childish fun but at least time outside playing.
Today was 80 degrees. Who would have thunk it? Birmingham actually having good weather. What have we done to deserve this kindness?
So this morning my crazy hand must have turned my alarm off and that resulted in me waking up at 12:30 instead of 8:15... Sorry JMC 200 and Christian Theology, no excuse for that I suppose.
Life is pretty swell right now. From interesting classes to the responsibility of Harrys Coffeehouse, it has all been a blessing. To say the least. Recent happenings in my life could be phrased like this: Future Dreamin.
The past couple days I have reached out to any connection or friend I could think of that may know of a cool internship for a JMC major who in one way or another would want to be in the ministry dealing with music. (If you couldn't understand what I just said don't worry about it, you will later.) Filled out a couple of applications but no real answers yet. My cousin out in NYC is checking in to a couple of connections she has! NYC people. How cool would that be? All I can do is wait and pray that the Lord will point me in the right direction. I trust Him. I know I've got big plans ahead of me.
Easter is approaching and I could not be more excited. Not only am I going home but Kelsey mygirlfriend Boone is coming too! You know it's the real deal when the GF comes home with you only to be approved by your friends. It should be a grand time. Couple trips downtown, a hike up the ole piece of granite, and a couple church services. Thats not too bad huh?
That's about all I know for now.
Food for thought.
What would we do without alarm clocks?

I know everyone dreams. Why don't we actually pursue those dreams. They WILL become reality if you want them to. Just do it.

So if you or anyone you know has any sort of connections with any sort of cool internship this summer let me know. You may think I won't like it. But tell me anyway.

Go to church this friday if you are able to. It's the least you can do for your Saviour.


Monday, March 22, 2010

On To The Next One with a side of Hillsong dreamin

Spring break was delightful. From the days spent out on the beach to the days spent out on the beach in sweatshirts and then to the days we spent inside being complete bums. It was all good. Warmer weather would have been nice but beggars cant be choosers right?
Back at the ole SU is a good feeling. BUT the first day of class should not be complemented with freezing rain after you spend a week at the beach! This blog has some complaining in it, I apologize.
Now I am just on to the next thing in line. More Harry's concerts, signing up for fall classes, hoping to figure out summer plans, go to many shows, realize how good my life is and then cherish it, and just meeting new people. Those were in no particular order but I do plan on tapping in or blowing up all of them.
If you did not know I am obsessed with Hillsong and what they stand for. I mean I love em. I mean I dream about working with them. That dream is becoming more and more of a reality I think. A couple weeks ago I was watching a video on their website showing what the vision of their church for 2010 was. It was all amazing stuff, but the most incredible thing on that video was them announcing that they have had a vision to start a church in New York City. That's in the U.S. people! My dream is coming to the United States of America. (I do still want to live in Australia, but still.) I really do feel like this is a start of something huge in our country. Hillsong's music has impacted people all over the world. So much so that their songs are being sung in different languages, re-done by different artists, and sung at many huge christian conferences. That is a body of believers I want to be a part of.

I just had to pour that out for ya. I mean who doesn't like to see a glimpse of their dreams?!

Go to this website, and witness what's going on.

Keep the faith. always.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

There is no excuse. BUT the beach rocks.

My absence has been partly due to a ridiculous school week filled with awesome 7 page book reports and a hour and half presentation on film. I'm back. and I am at the beach. Me + Beach + best friends= in my element. one of a couple elements.
So, I am in Destin staying at the Stanton's place and man has it been good so far. It has been windy but sunny. Ya give and take I suppose? Through the cold wind and the 30 spf I still managed to turn a weird shade of red on my shoulders. sorry mom.
Highlights of the trip so far: Walking on the beach and seeing Luke, Peyton, and DP in jean shorts. Or Luke Swilley with the molestache... Or Zach Galifinakis videos. Or my 6 -pound bag of gummy bears. All very valid highlights.
I am currently waiting on mz boone and her best friend chelsea to come join us in the man cave. It should be fun. I bought chocolate filled chocolate filled cookies...

Do not get skin cancer.

the use of SBX is kinda weird.


Monday, March 1, 2010

A day in the life of MWD. (More like half a day)

Like most mornings my Coldplay alarm went off. This morning was a little earlier, it went off at about 7:20. There was a master plan behind this early rising. I gave Kelsey a little challenge, a challenge that came with a reward. Background information on Kelsey and waking up: She sucks at it. SO, if she could wake up on her own, without me calling her, and she then called me before my alarm went off at 7:20 she would get an early birthday present, AND a nice romantic breakfast on Thursday.
Did she complete this once thought simple task?
Heck no she didn't!
I had to call and wake her up!
Ridiculous, right?!
It's always fun giving your girlfriend stupid challenges like that. Try it, it's a good trust builder. (I do not trust Kelsey to wake me up...)
We finally both got dressed, went to the Caf and ate some nasty breakfast food. She got a hard boiled egg and man it was disgusting. Those things smell like crap. And the insides look like crap. That's all I am going to say about that breakfast.
Then I ventured to my JMC 200 class with Bernie. Today we got out first tests back (the test that I was 45 minutes late to because I slept in too late. Luckily Bernie is the man and showed me some grace.) After getting our tests back we talked about the history of radio. Then we listened to the War of the Worlds. Orson Wells you are a jerk.
After that great class I walked on to Christian Theology where my sleep always catches up to me. Bobble head Matt was in attendance in Theology.
And now I am finishing up my shift at the great Pete Hanna Fitness Center.

It's 1:39 and that is my day thus far.

Wanna read another blog?
A blog cooler than this one or your neighbors?

Then, here, follow this bad boy.
I started this blog for Harry's Coffeehouse concerts that me and two great great people, Sara Hunt and Trevor Starnes having been planning/dreaming about.
I will not even tell you what the blog will have in it at times. You have to read it for yourself.

I'll leave you with this video.

Keeping being amazing.


Monday, February 22, 2010

A Sequel of Sorts

Me and J-Size

As many of you know I have been involved in a little (HUGE) thing called Dudes-A-Plenty. Well, we performed, jaws dropped, judges voted, and we took home the goods!! Sweepstakes baby! Many may wonder why we are all so excited. Who would not be excited after practicing for four weeks and putting so much time and effort into a production?!
I will not ever forget these past four weeks, but more importantly this past saturday!

So step sing has been taking over my time lately or I would tell you other exciting things.
Harry's does start this Thursday with the one and only Drew and Ellie Holcomb! So please, please come out and treat your ears to something beautiful. You will not be disappointed.
This semester at Harry's you may see some new stuff. Just saying. Everything needs a little bit of restructuring at some point.

I am sitting here working at the fitness center and I have got some observations to make.
3 weeks until Spring Break. What does that mean?
All of the elliptical machines will be taken up from about 11-7 with men and women the same trying to get that spring break bod.
Unless the human body has changed and can produce muscles up to par with "spring break bod status" these people should just start slow. Riding the bike for two hours may not be the best thing for you. You could pass out or even... na just kidding.
Oh those spring break worker outers.

Here is a little taste of what step sing was like.

Keep faith. hope. and LOVE.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I have been livin THE DREAM the past three weeks. So what.

DAP. Yes, Dudes A Plenty has been dominating my time lately and I am okay with that. All the time and sweat has been well worth it. I mean how many times do you get to break it down and sing with 70 guys and it actually sound amazing? Not many times my friends. So... If you are coming to the show, be prepared to be blown away by the goodness that DAP will bring. And, YES we will bring it. There are some out there that enjoy putting us down. That's fine. Your mind will soon be changed. If not, you will be prayed for.
I don't even want to write anything else. Just DAP. After this weekend I will come back to reality and try to make some sense of the first four weeks back at Samford. This may even include the first four weeks back at school with a special lady friend. Which may also include Valentines Day details. But probably not.

Jeremy. Ben. Could we have had any better directors? Nope, not possible. Do we have quite possibly the best show to ever be performed by a DAP group? Yeah, most likely. Did you guys create this masterpiece? Yessir!!!!
Will I do this again? You better believe it.

Who we be baby?


Monday, February 8, 2010

This journey is about to take off; that means the birth of something new.

Harry's Coffeehouse, get ready to be transformed into something visually pleasing. Something different, but very rewarding. Why the heck am I talking about Harry's Coffeehouse? Oh well, this past weekend we went on the SAC retreat and found out what event we will be planning. How blessed I am!! Me, Trevor Starnes, and the veteran Sara Hunt will be running the show on Thursday nights now. Please be prepared for anything. And I mean anything. Some of the ideas that we have thrown out there in just 2 hours of dreaming have been magical. I love dreaming, but I love seeing those dreams come true more. So needless to say, Harry's is going to be so great. I could not think of anyone else I would want to dream/ plan this even with.
I would love to go ahead and tell you some of the artists we really want but I love surprises and I trust that most of you do as well so my mouth is sealed for now. But just for now.
Blogging has been quite a treat for me these past couple months to be completely honest. There is something about making yourself somewhat vulnerable at times and putting your current life happenings up so everyone can see. It is pretty cool how by doing this we get a feeling of validation in the world of writing. It just makes me feel good inside. I do not mind at all telling you what is going on with my life, that is why this blog will continue. (I had thoughts of throwing this one out, and revamping it with something else) This blog has been good to me so I will not pull the plug before it has it's chance to fly. That was cheesy, but I do not care.
It is about time for me to head to JMC class with Wambles and Mr. Sizemore. That class is medicine to my curious mind. So good.

The birth of something new has a double meaning: Harry's Coffeehouse. But there is something else... Should I tell you now???
Nope. It will come soon enough I believe. I am so vague. haha

Just watch this. I do not believe you will be disappointed.

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his footsteps. Proverbs 16:9
I will not stop believing that.
You all are too kind.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Best, First week-ish ever? I think so!

It has been some time since I have stopped, though, and threw out some paragraphs on this blog. And I have to tell you that a lot has happened since the last time we connected. So much that I may leave some critical points out.
From the top:
First day of class: Probably the most encouraging first days back I could have dreamed of. Im starting to take my major classes. Which is Journalism and Mass Communication. Lets just say I was not disappointed. From the professors to the fellow JMCers, it was all good. Finally something that I am interested in. World of Business and Macro Economics just were not my thing. At all. I mean I dropped macro, thats how much it was NOT my thing... If there is any lows about my classes it would have to be fiction and film. Seems like a great class, potential for interesting discussion, but Matt Davidson cannot read 8 fairly lengthy books before spring break. I am just now getting in to the whole reading for pleasure thing so getting me to read 8 books in that amount of time is like putting me on a bike with no training wheels at age 3. Just will not happen. SO, I dropped that class just like how the Colts are going to drop the Saints. Yes, I said it. Bold? Yes. Now, I had to pick up another class so I wouldn't be that guy who has 12 hours and just sleeps all the time, so I picked up Christian Theology. Incredibly intimidating at first but once I understood that the other 11 people in the class were in the same boat I was, I was content. We'll see how that goes.
On to the next one. thank jay z for that.
Step Sing. DAP. The Dream. nuff. said.
I had a birthday yesterday. The teen years have come and they have gone. I do feel a bit older. I mean once I started washing my own clothes I felt older, but now I feel a little more responsible. And Im pretty sure I got more chest hair when I woke up February 2, 2010. Not positive but I think I did.
Best birthday to date for Matt Davidson. Why? Cause Kelsey Boone is the master at surprises, and she is one of the most creative persons I have ever met. And she is mine. Blessed? yes. Do I deserve it? heck no.
I won't ramble on about the greatness of my day of birth, but man, it was a really good day. A REALLY GOOD DAY.
What's next on the sched---- SAC retreat (Student Activities Council) If you have read some of the first posts of this here blog you will know what thats about. For those who started watching later in the show: It is a council of students who plan and do everything in between with planning campus events. Homecoming, Harrys, Concerts, Spring Fling, and so on.

That's about it for now I suppose.

The Lord is so gracious to those who trust him. We are coheirs with Christ. Incredible...

For our God is not a God of confusion, but of peace.- 1 Corinthians 14:33


Monday, January 18, 2010

I did not intend on this. I promise.

I can assure you all that this whole not writing for like 5 days was not intended. It has just kind of fallen like that. Please do not be angry, I will make it up to you. Maybe...
Since I have been home from my travels to Louisville my days have been packed with goodness. Some of this goodness I just will not be able to put into words, I apologize now for that.
Crazy Love by Francis Chan. Read it, take notes, re-read some of the chapters, tell anyone who you care about about this book. I really am not a huge reader, but as of late the Lord has just really put the enjoyment of reading into my life. HE does crazy stuff. But I love it. Check this verse out... Psalm 115:3 "But our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases." Yes, now how amazing is that?
I am sure you can already tell solely from the past few sentences what has been going on in my life. If you could not tell... The Lord is moving in my life so fast and repairing what was broken! Im just letting lose of my worries and doing life. If you know what I mean.
Back to school in well, about 2 days. I have not been this excited to go back to school in a long time. Or ever. I am yearning to go back for a couple reasons.
1.) I want to allow the Lord to do whatever He wants to do in my life at Samford and else where. I know He has big things planned. Carrie Underwood could not have said it better, "Jesus take the wheel."- I did it, I'm sorry.
2.) I am a newly declared (but not technically) Journalism and Mass Communications major. It ought to be very interesting going through the many different facets of JMC to see where I fit or more importantly where the Lord guides me.
3.) Step Sing. DAP. nuff said.
Last but certainly not least.
4.) Some of you may know a recent change in my life. Yes the Lord redirecting my life is a huge change. BUT there is something else. I am not a lone ranger any more. I am not flying solo any longer. I now have a co-pilot. My Facebook relationship status no longer reads single. It now says In a Relationship with Kelsey Boone. People this is real. No one hacked our Facebooks. Not trying to flaunt, just inform you friends of mine.

I'll leave you all with a verse.
Psalm 18:3 I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.

Keep faith, hope, and LOVE.


Monday, January 11, 2010

An unintentional hiatus of sorts.

Time has come and gone, and I have seen a lot since I last wrote. I will tell you right now that you will not read everything that has happened but I will touch on some awesome stuff. If you do want to know everything, ask me and I will tell you. Simple as that.
Passion 2010.
I had no real expectations going into this conference. I knew that Hillsong United was going to be in attendance and that Kelsey was coming to stay and go. I am glad I had no expectations because they most likely would have been blown apart. Just like my heart! I will not go into every single detail, just those that need to be given. The Lord taught me and has shown me grace, grace that only he can give. Grace that frees us. I now live in His grace and have not been happier.
I know this post may seem quiet different from the past posts but that is because I am different. Let me just give you this verse...- Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW CREATION; the old has gone, the new has come!
--2 Corinthians 5:17. That right there my friends is the truth. Awesome stuff.
So after an unbelievable journey through God's word at Passion I ventured to Louisville, Kentucky to chill with an all time VIP Kelsey Boone. I stayed at the Boone Manor in a very "homey" house with lots of love. From Mr. Boone all the way to Charlie and everyone in between, they were incredible hosts. You are probably wondering what all we did in Lou... Well, it snowed. I would guess about 5 or 6 inches!! I had never seen so much snow in my life. Especially snow that did not melt after a day! For the couple of days that I was there we went to many old shops, like thrift stores and so on. We also dined at many fine Louisville restaurants that were very different from what we have in Lilburn, GA. But I loved every bit of it. Even the poached eggs at Toast. I never knew there were so many ways to eat an egg...
I am not going to try to ramble so as more thoughts come to mind I will be sure to inform you of the happenings of what went down in Louisville or what is going down right now in Lilburn.
You all are great. Don't forget it.
