Thursday, June 24, 2010

Am I 20 or 40?! A bit vulnerable. PART 2.

There is a first time for a lot of things. This is the first time I have written a Part 2 to a post. I feel that a Part 2 dos needed to happen considering what just took place a couple of hours ago.
Today was the day that I had an appointment to get a haircut. (I needed one in a bad way, so I thought.) I walk in just like I would to any other hair cut appointment, sit down and start talking to Donna, the nice lady that cuts my hair when I am home. Before she starts wetting the scissors along with my hair, she says, "Matt you really have beautiful hair, like I don't think I need to cut it." I'm thinking what in the world! Are you kidding me! I have a receding hair line and I am balding, there is no way that qualifies for such a compliment. So I humbly respond with a, "Thank you, I appreciate that but the hair on the back of my head just grows way too fast and it leaves me with a mullet-y look, and honestly that just isn't me." She understood what I was saying and proceeded with the haircut. It turned out to be quite a masterpiece. No more curls over the ears, when my hair gets greasy it will not look like I have a mullet any more, I am happy. This lady is consistent though... Before she pulled off the cover she looks at my hair, looks in the mirror, and is still just shocked that my hair looks so good. Her words, "Your hair just has so much volume, and umpfff, I mean yeah your thinning, but it really doesn't look that bad." Well dad gum, I went in for a hair cut and came out with a hair cut and a self esteem that could trump anyone.
It was if Donna read my blog and wanted to reassure me that thinning hair CAN look good, possibly. Or she wanted a good tip.
Either way I am appreciative. But I know I will look like Bruce Willis in the somewhat near future.

If you haven't stopped reading by now, thank you. I am starting a new project, a new blog, a new blog platform.

This blog will be the raw, unashamed journey that the Lord has brought me to, the journey that will continue on until I die. Vulnerability will be huge in this blog I presume. I wanted others to come on the journey with me. So I created something new.

The faith will not leave you if you stay true to it.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Am I 20 or 40?! A bit vulnerable.

So for the past oh, four years I have been in this little dilemma. This dilemma of sorts is the fact that my hair has been thinning. Yes, it started thinning when I was oh probably about 16 or 17! Now, one would think, well dang that just plain sucks. It does, sometimes.
That's where the incredible formula that we all call Rogaine comes in to play. Yes, Matthew William Davidson, age 20, uses Rogaine. The commercials may have 40 year old men using this stuff, but early post teenagers can use this too. Am I being vulnerable? Eh, maybe. I do realize now that after reading this when you see me you may ask me to sit down so you can gaze upon my thinness. I guess that will be ok. The Lord has blessed me with height and I am starting to see why. Why? Since I am 6'4 the average person cannot see the top of my head, therefore they completely miss the fact that I AM starting to thin a bit. With all that said, I am hopeful that this curly head will take a turn for the BEST and start producing some thicker hair. I'll be optimistic about it.

Everyone who has a blog needs to have some funny/sad/vulnerable/just plain ridiculous posts sometimes. This is mine.

Keep your faith in the unseen, folks.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

I have a GREAT life, mom.

My mom asked me a question one day on the way to do a little dine and shop, it went like this, "Matt, you have a good life don't you?" She has asked me that before but it was not until that moment that I realized that man, my life is so good.
It is really something else when you allow yourself to let go of worldly worries and other stuff that distracts us from the Lord, and see just how good our lives really are. Now, I mean, yeah we go through some "rough" times, but our lives are not meant to be easy. Like maybe your dad was without a job for 387 days or something like that. I know a little bit about that. But the Lord was always there. Our family may have been scared, but the Lord blessed us, blessed us in ways I could not have imagined. And then He blesses my dad with a full-time youth ministry job.
Those hard times are not cruel punishment from the Lord, they are times where we need to let go, trust in the only one that is guaranteed to come through, and see that the Lord's will for His followers lives is always good. No matter what.
That is what I have been going through since about a week or two into the summer. It was not until I let go that I saw that the Lord never left me, I was just blinded by my selfish desires. Life is different now. I have always been a caring person, I feel for people, that has not changed, I just see other people as my brothers and sisters now. I could write for hours about what the Lord has been revealing to me. That may just have to be a little side project because I cannot shake this feeling that is inside of me. If others can benefit then Praise the Lord. New blog perhaps? Ehhh we'll see.

I started working at a printing company last week with my two brothers, David and Luke. I count paper and plastic Chick-Fil-A items all day... The way I see it now is, I am getting paid for this, money does not create happiness, but it is just another way the Lord is blessing me. So I am thankful for this little job. Thankful for a lot of other things too.

Good words from a great man. And quite possibly my favorite passages in Isaiah.

Keep the faith/love alive.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

A new look/ Discernment on this whole blog thing/ the Lord blesses.

Good gosh.
The Lord really knows how to open our eyes in weird ways. I will not go in to detail of exactly how He has, but you should know He most definitely has.
I know it has been quite some time since I have written a thing or two on here, but I have been doing a lot of reading and journaling, which has left my brain almost empty at the end of the day for this blog that I call my own. You might say to yourself, "Woah, Matt has a journal that he writes in daily? Has he turned into some little woman?" I have not in fact turned in that direction but my eyes have been opened to the numerous blessings the Lord has granted me and people around me and I cannot help but write it down. I typically write what the Lord has shown me on that particular day, quotes from the books I am reading, verses, or prayers to the Lord. Journal is more for stuff that I am dealing with with just me and the Lord, this blog is for random happenings, funny stories, and then I will try my best and make myself vulnerable in hopes to help someone else who can relate to what I am talking about. - I felt the need to discern the two for you and for me at times.
My sister who graduated from GCSU has been working at Blackbird coffeeshop for ages it feels like. She has had some of the most random/ interesting things happen to her at this place as well. For instance, she got a call from TMZ wanting to know if she had seen Ben Rothlisberger roaming the streets lately. As a girl who knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about football she replies with a polite, "Um, who? I am sorry I do not know who that is." She will receive crap from my dad and me for a long long time about that. She has also seen the dude from the Mac commercials and some famous movie star, her name has slipped my mind. Welp, the coffee shop brought her a little present. Some high up lady from the school who is in charge of the grad program walks into Blackbird and orders a drink and like always my sister greets her and strikes up a conversation. One thing led to another and this lady made some phone calls and I got my sister into grad school at GCSU. She started class the very next day... Blessings straight from the Lord. If we just lay down everything and give it to him, he WILL bless us.
I am not a huge fan of long posts so I will stop this one right here.

Last thing.
I think.
I do not know if you have heard any of Jack Johnson's latest tunes, maybe you have, maybe you heard them a month ago?
Any who, here is a pretty rockin video from one of his hits on the new record.

Keep your faith. Always.
